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Jodie Davis

For as long as I can remember, the day never felt complete until I spent some time outside.  As a child, I’d follow the creek through the pasture behind our house, barefoot and looking for treasure.  As I grew older, I developed a love for horses and going riding with a friend through the hills brought me unending joy.  From summers at the lake to vacations in the Rocky Mountains, looking back I realize what an impact my experiences outdoors had on me. 


Today, as my husband and I raise our two children; Summit (5) and Wilder (2), it is easy to recognize the emphasis we put on time in nature.  In fact, this is what we love most about living in the Florida Panhandle.  The biodiversity this area offers is unmatched.  From kayaking in the bay to exploring the state forests, playing on the beach and swimming in the Gulf, our home is a treasure of dynamic resources.


As Summit grows older, I observe her curiosity develop organically.  I listen to her questions and am in awe of her perception.  Her natural wonders of ‘how' and ‘why’ and 'what if' are innately tested and reasoned with application from her own life experience.  As a mother, it gives depth and purpose to my life.  As an educator, it widens my eyes and sparks hundreds of my own questions… those same questions of 'how' and 'why' and 'what if'.


What if we really can learn through exploring beyond classroom walls?  How can we foster natural curiosity and nurture creative ideas?  Why isn’t this being offered here in my own community - where we can spend the majority of our days outside, exploring the land and the sea? What if education really can look like this?  Why not here? Why not me? Why not now?


These questions.

This experience.

These children.

This backdrop. 


These are the things that propel my life's adventure; one that I believe my children will one day reflect back on and recognize what a wonderful impact it has had on their own lives.

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